Baby Blue Birds in a nest... Ahh aren't they cute!

Butterfly Math: Hannah is learning her times tables!

We made a cute Chick with yellow Easter grass and feather wings. The book Little chick is so cute! By Amy Hest

Oreo Chick made with yellow tinted frosting and candy wings and beak. Pretzel legs and choc. chip eyes. Yummy!

Easter Blessing craft...Each day for twelve days before Easter we are reading a scripture about the Easter Story. Then when we open the egg & there is a fun activity to do for others and our community. For example today Hannah is going to pick up trash in the neighborhood. We pray for our enemies too! Rejoice! Jesus is Alive!

This is the Day the Lord has Made. Let us Rejoice and Be Glad in it! Psalm 118:24
Spring is here and preparing for Easter is such a special time. We have been making plates for each season and having so much fun! Hannah wanted to make a flower out of her hand print.
Happy Easter!