Hannah joined a reading club called the Liberty Belles. They are reading books about a Colonial
girl named Felicity. She gave a presentation about her grandfathers' plantation in Virgina. She had blackberries in her basket to share with the girls and a sprig of rosemary to smell.

Hannah shared how they wore straw hats to cover their faces from the sun.

The girls made Hasty pudding and homemade whip cream in baby food jars! Their arms got tired but the cream tasted yummy!

Mr. Prisbey was a special guest who shared about his service in the Military and exciting experiences in the United States Air Corp.
He was a pilot and served in WWII. We were reminded to be thankful and not to take our Freedom for granted!

Kelly, I am so proud of you! You took pictures! Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to see Hannah all dressed up for her presentation. Good job Hannah! You looked like a real southern belle.