Monday, November 21, 2016

A Fun Day with Denise!

For the past 20 years I have been exercising with Denise Austin in my living room. I pop in a tape and get my body moving!  I respect her so much.  I learned a lifestyle of eating healthy food. Exercising for 30 min. a day and keeping a positive attitude! She has inspired me through the years and I am grateful for her wisdom.  She came to Phoenix and Hannah and I were Blessed to meet her.   We met her down town in a park and exercised outside with her and had a healthy lunch from  Kaleidoscope (the restaurant Kylee manages catered the event). She will be 60 years young in February.  She looks amazing and is full of life!  What a fun day!   

Early American History

Hannah and I had fun making this Jamestown Fort Cake for her Early American History class this past week. Delicious Texas sheet cake with frosting and coconut!

Pray for Unity!

Hannah and I were in the store and we saw President Trump and Hillary sitting next to each other.  Hmmm!! It made me stop and think! 
     Lord I pray that you would instill in every American the desire to be in unity with other Americans. May there be mutual RESPECT, friendship, and brotherly Love among the people of this great land.  Help us each to do our part to bring peace on earth!  Give us " a good conscience in all things desiring to live honorably" Hebrews 13:18.
     Lord,  help us to be UNIFIED with each other in our families, our marriages, and our communities. Help us to be unified with our leaders. Keep our leaders in a place  of unity among themselves.  Help us to stand against the plans of the enemy to bring division within our country and pray that disunity will never be  allowed to tear our country apart.  Lord We pray that your Spirit of Love and respect would prevail!
In Jesus' Name we pray!