After being on a cruise you kind of go through food with drawls Ha Ha!
The other night we were finished with dinner and Mike said let's go get an ice cream cone. You don't have to ask me twice! We drive to dairy queen and order our soft serve ice cream cone and go outside to sit at one of the picnic tables when around the corner this older gentlemen appears with a troubled look on his face! He does not speak English is waving his hands gesturing that he is lost but again in a strange accent and not in English. He shows Mike a piece of paper with an address and phone number on it with the name Shirley on the paper. So Mike calls the number and tells the person on the phone that this man seems to be lost. Very appreciative his daughter tells us they will be right there. Without really having to use words we offer him a ice cream cone. It was cute to see his face change from confused to safe and happy. There were No words spoken just sharing an ice cream cone with a stranger!