I have had a Blast Teaching 12 energetic kids about insects in our co-op. It is funny how much I love bugs! I owe it to my mom I guess. She taught me to respect the creepy crawly creatures. I love to look at them up close, to touch them, and even pick them up and let them tickle me. My Brother Jack can share a time I did a no no Ha Ha! I took his butterfly collection out of the house without his permission and the whole thing crashed to the pavement and I broke his wonderful framed collection. I am sorry Jack!
Hannah is having fun in the class as my helper and also learning about the bug tradition of being a good steward of our earth. I know there are some bugs that are pests. Well, we are learning about that too. Good bugs and bad bugs all have a purpose. Fascinating Stuff for a kid and for me!
Be Content with what you Have! Hebrews 13:5
We learned about Cockroaches! Ewww Gross!

Chirping Crickets and Fireflies their abdomen lights up with a tea light!

House Flies

Hardworking Ants
Go to the ant you Lazybones. Learn from their ways and be Wise!
Proverbs 6:6
*Pam we missed your family soo much when we did these!

Found this baby praying mantis in the yard! He is soo cute!

Remember our caterpillars in the fall. Well, Look who showed up in our yard last week. This beautiful butterfly. Love It! I feel like a proud Ma Ma!
Lots of fun ant shirts made by the class.
We are only half way through the class. We have 7 more to go!
* Many of my ideas I got from pinterest and Homeschool share.