Sprocket the Horse Hannah rides lost his eye due to a horrible eye infection!

This picture was taken a week after the surgery. Hannah rode him today for the first time since the surgery. She had to give him verbal cues. But he is actually doing quite well. He trusts Hannah and she has bonded with Sprocket. She has been riding him for about 4 years. The vet is amazed at how well he is recovering. Hannah is really happy that he is not in pain anymore.

This is a picture of Hannah & Sprocket before he lost the eye!
Here is a letter she wrote to her Granny Nanny explaining what Happened!
Dear Granny Nanny,
Sprocket the horse I ride had an infection in his eye. It got so bad that they removed it. He's been with one eye for about a week now. I got to watch the surgery. It was really cool and sad at the same time. They had to cut the eye lid then go under the eye ball and cut the nerves. We were hoping that we could study the eye when it came out but it burst instead. I did get to touch the iris though. It was hard and squishy. Once they got the eye out the vet and his helper cut the eye lashes and sewed him up. He has knots along the rest of what he did not cut off of the eye lid. He looks like Frankenstein! Ha Ha!
There was another horse Allie that had a tumor in her nose so he cut it off and then froze it. He also floated both the horses teeth!!!
PS Hi! Grandpa Paul I miss you and love you so much. Hope Bear is not in trouble! Ha Ha