Thursday, August 9, 2012

Visiting Oakdale Ranch

Hannah, Miss Becky &  Vivian
 Cousin William, Hannah and Daisy May
 Uncle Jack, Hannah and Granny Nanny
 Hannah riding Vivian
Cousin Elesia and Hannah

Betty and Slobber Bob
 We visited my brother's family friend's ranch.  This ranch has all rescue animals.  The ranch had cows, sheeps, goats, 15 horses.  They all have been rescued from horrible circumstances.  It was fun to spend the day out with my brother and his family!!

Joey & Leo

Joey Winter Lowe

Leo the Lion

WE have two new additions to the family.  Joey Winter Lowe and Leo the Lion.
Murphy is a gentle giant and has welcomed the new friends to his home.  We are glad to have the Joyful noise.  Tinkerbelle is not to sure about having a cat sitting on her cage.  I will try to get a picture of the silliness.  Harmony is the goal.  Can't we all just get along.  I think it can be done with a Little Love and much Patience.

American Girl Book Club

 This summer we had a book club at our home and read Meet Kaya by the American Girl Series. We sampled salmon on a stick, blueberries and raw nuts. Just like a Native American meal.
 Homemade Tepees with Icecream cone cupcakes.