Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hannah's Boo Boo !

I have a little run I like to take in the morning before I start the day. Hannah will ride her bike or roller blade with me. Today she was riding her bike and she took a bad fall. I was running a few steps ahead of her and I heard this piercing scream. I looked back and she was on the pavement in tears! Ahhhh! We had to walk home and get in the tub to clean up the horrible road rash. Ouch!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hip Hip Hooray!! Look who is a Cheerleader!

Our Church CCV (Christ Church of the Valley) offers a Wonderful Sports program for 5000 kids. They offer soccer, basketball, flag and tackle football & a variety of adult sports programs as well. Hannah chose to participate in cheerleading. I was tickled as I was a cheerleader for many years. She is learning to be a leader and to encourage others. I love how they send a character trait to work on each week and learn from the bible about that. They are learning to stand out for the Lord! This program is more than a game it is a life style. Hannah is the first girl on the left!
Hey Go Team Go Go Team!

Go Shining Stars!

Spring is Here!

For Liberty Belles book club...Hannah did a presentations about Birds and we made edible bird nests with chinese noodles, butterscotch chips and jelly beans.
Harry Larry grew some hair... So Hannah gave him a hair cut!

Carrot patch cookies!!

On a whim Hannah and I met some friends at the park and we made carrot patch cookies... We got the recipe from Family Fun Magazine. Yummy for your tummy!!