First week of school at the
Lowe's was fun. Trying to get back in a routine. We made
Zhu Zhu pet hamsters for a fun cooking craft. My friend Pam sent me the recipe. Hannah loved making them. She is studying the Little House books and learning about pioneer life. Aaron started classes at the Community College this week. It is great because he is getting highschool credit and college credit at the same time. He said there was a lot of familiar faces walking around
campus. I can't believe Hannah is in 3rd grade and Aaron is taking college classes and a senior this year. Where does the time go?

We always start out fresh at the beginning of the school year with a clean room. We Changed some things around in Hannah's room. She has a unique situation. Her bedroom is divided by the family room. Her friends come over and think it is cool. She can't wait to have a room of her own with a door. But, for now she is happy to have a space of her own and I think she does a pretty good job of keeping it picked up.

This week we had to memorize a poem... Welcome good attitudes let them stay... Ask God to take the bad ones away!